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Developing fundraising

ACTS Fundraising consortium presents

Coming up

October 4th, 10:30 CET, Webinar on parish engagement


Engaging Parishes in Fundraising: Building Relationships and Sharing Best Practices


Date: 04 / 10 /2024, 10:30-13:00 (CET)

Venue: Online

Objective: Participants will discover and deepen their engagement with parishes and harness their potential in fundraising efforts. Networking opportunities to exchange and discuss will also be provided.


Register here, please fill the form


Webinar Highlights:

1. Starting a Relationship with a Parish:
Learn effective strategies for initiating and nurturing relationships with parishes. Understand the key elements that contribute to successful partnerships and how to approach parish leaders with fundraising ideas.

2. Exchange of Good Practices:
Gain insights from experienced fundraisers and parish leaders as they share proven practices and innovative approaches that have yielded positive results. Discover new ideas and adapt them to your context.

3. Concrete Examples and Initiatives:
Explore real-world examples and case studies of successful fundraising initiatives involving parishes. Understand the step-by-step process of planning, implementing, and sustaining these initiatives to achieve your fundraising goals.


Friday, 4 October | 10h30-13h00 (CET – Central European Time)

10:30-10:40 Welcome and ice-breaker

10:40-10:50 Presentation ACTS Project 


10:50-11:05 SCIAF – More than money

  • How to start and maintain a relationship with a parish

  • Good practices in involving and engaging with parishes

  • Examples


11:05 – 11:10 Open questions


11:10-11:25 Caritas Portugal » Merchandising to fund Parishes

  • How to develop an action plan with the parish

  • How to raise and distribute funds with the parish

  • Example: 10 Milhões de Estrelas


11:25 – 11:30 Open questions


11:30-11:45 Coffee Break


11:45-12h00 Caritas Luxembourg » Fundraising Initiatives with parishes

  • How to raise funds for domestic projects

  • Example: Parish raised 60.000€


12:00–12:05 Open questions


12:05-12h20 Caritas Finland & Caritas Estonia » Sharing experiences and examples


12h20-12h40 Exchange in breakout rooms – Questions to guide reflections:

  • Why should the parishes collaborate with Caritas? How do we set a common goal for Caritas and the parishes? What benefits does Caritas give to the parishes?


12:40-13:00 Feedback, Evaluation and closing



Save the date:

Webinar is coming up in November 28 th 10.30-12.30 CET

More information later

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About us

Financial stability through sharing and learning

Behind this webinar is a consortium of five members from Caritas Finland, Caritas Estonia, Caritas Luxembourg, Caritas Portugal, SCIAF – Caritas Scotland. Our consortium is funded by Caritas Europa’s Advancing Caritas Through Solidarity -tool. Our project covers years 2024-2025 and we are developing fundraising. Our project is called ‘Financial stability through sharing and learning’.

The contact person for the project is Laura Koskelainen from Caritas Finland


Whereas some of the consortium members will get to share and learn their knowledge whilst developing their operations further, the other consortium members will get to learn and develop fundraising strategies with the support of their more experienced colleagues.

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