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Legal information

You can donate to Caritas either monthly or with a one-time donation. Thank you for your contribution! Every donation is important!


Donating is simple. Firstly you choose the cause you want to support and then you choose the amount. You'll receive an automatic thank you message once the money has been successfully directed towards its intended purpose.


The graphic below explains the process (in Finnish):

Lahjoittajan lahjoittajapolku (1).png

Caritas Finland has an active fundraising permit

Caritas Finland has a fundraising permit granted by the National Police Board on February 16, 2022. The permit number is RA/2022/218. According to the permit, we can use the funds for the following purposes:

  1. Caritas Finland's own development cooperation projects and the self-financing portions of these projects, as well as the development of development cooperation projects.

  2. Domestic work and immigrant integration work in Finland: guidance and counseling, social inclusion, organizing events, supporting camp fees, and supporting excursions. Integration work and the self-financing portions of projects supporting integration.

  3. Disaster relief: Supporting international disaster relief efforts.


The contact person for donations is Laura Koskelainen. If you have any questions about donating, you can reach Laura at or at 0400 305559.


The most effective way to help is through regular monthly donations. As a monthly donor, you help those who need it most and support communities and individuals in difficult situations.


We are also grateful for all one-time donations.


Caritas respects the dignity of all people, works to reduce inequality, and promotes a fair society for all

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