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Privacy notice

Caritas Finland is committed to protecting the privacy of its members, volunteers, customers and supporters. It adheres to all applicable legislation as well as additional voluntary measures in order to accomplish this goal. Below you can find the privacy statement regarding Caritas Finland's member registry. The privacy statements regarding the volunteer register and the donor register can be accessed from the following links (in Finnish):



1. Register holder


The registry is managed by the association Caritas Finland


2. Legal basis and purpose of Processing Personal Data


The purpose of processing personal data is to maintain the membership register. Processing personal data is a necessary requirement for maintaining the membership register.

The processing of personal data is based on the individual's membership and Caritas Finland's obligation to maintain a membership register of its members.

Personal data in the membership register may be used for the following purposes:

  • Informing members about Caritas Finland's activities

  • Membership fee billing

  • Managing, monitoring, analyzing, statistically reporting, and developing the relationship related to membership

  • Permitted marketing and remote sales, such as direct marketing, digital marketing, product marketing, donation requests, and event invitations

When the appropriate processing of personal data ends, the data will be deleted. The necessity of processing personal data related to membership is considered to end two years after the membership has ended.


3. Register content


Caritas Finland may process the following information about its members:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Permission information (e.g., consent for information dissemination)

  • Communication language

  • Billing information

  • Payment transaction and payment mediation information

Caritas Finland retains only the information necessary for the organization's activities and the intended use of the data, for which there are legal grounds for processing. Information that has become unnecessary for its intended purpose, outdated information, or information for which there is no longer any other justification for processing, will be securely destroyed.


4. Information sources


The information stored in the register is obtained from members through messages sent via web forms, emails, phone calls, and completed membership application forms.


5. Disclosures of information


Information in the membership register is not disclosed to third parties.


6. Register protection


Personal data is processed only in electronic form in Caritas Finland's membership management system. The system is protected with sufficient technical security measures, and access is granted only to individuals who need the information to perform their duties. Access to the information is restricted by usernames and passwords.


7. Rights of the data holder 


Every person listed in the register has the right to review their stored data and request the correction of any erroneous information or the completion of incomplete information. Individuals listed in the register have the right to request the deletion of their personal data from the register. The data subject also has other rights according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation, such as the right to restrict the processing of personal data in certain situations. Requests must be sent in writing to the data controller. The data controller may request the applicant to prove their identity if necessary. The data controller will respond to the customer within the time frame stipulated by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (generally within one month).

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